-Jennings at trial
-Lafave at trial
I’d like to point out that I will never condone these actions, and I look at this situation the same under all circumstances. Yes, I believe that the general public is being lighter on these women than one would expect. If it were men, they would be in much more trouble; undoubtedly more ostracized and despised.
Teachers who commit these acts are sick. Teachers who violate their student-teacher relationship should be punished harshly. Parents, administrators, even the public expects a high level of professionalism and ethics when it comes to teacher expectations. What were these women thinking? These situations seem more common than ever so you’d assume ephebophiles and pedophiles would reassess their judgement, right? I just can’t get over these particular women and how they chose their victims. All of them could just as easily have walked into a bar and within moments, would’ve found a "volunteer."
It’s repulsive, unacceptable, and in light of their situations, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I’m more concerned with this growing problem. There is a serious immoral pandemic sweeping across the country. What is wrong with these people? I don’t even want to start on sexual predators. It’s disturbing.
To see many more teachers’ mugshots, click here.