Friday, January 20, 2006

Lesbian Rapist gets Slap on the Wrist

What is this world coming too? I recently wrote an article on this subject but it keeps getting worse! Now a teacher in Lecanto, FL is not receiving any jail time after having same-sex sexual relations with a 15-year old girl. The teacher was facing charges of up to 15 years but escaped on a plea deal of no jail time. Ummm, did I miss a day in school? (no pun intended) I thought rape was a heinous crime?

Not to mention that this comes shortly after two homosexual male teachers both got off with no jail time. I don’t understand what the problem here is. We have a bunch of rapist/teachers who are getting away with criminal acts. Not only are they having sex with minors, they are violating the ethics codes between them and the parents.

That’s not even the real problem. The real problem is the court system that is letting these pervert, pedophiles go without punishment. I swear that the ACLU is getting their way and we aren’t stopping them. We need to start impeaching these idiot judges that don’t dish out proper sentences. And if I hear one more excuse about prison overpopulation, I’ll deliver a loaded gun to the judge and tell him to start picking…



Tex said...

Are judges elected in Florida?

Tex said...

Hey, Want to have an ad blogwar?

Neo-Con Tastic said...

Um, I'm not sure if they are voted in. I probably should know that but have recently moved here and have not gotten the chance to vote yet.

What do you mean by ad blogwar? It sounds fun.

Tex said...

You have that funny ernie the klepto ad. Put up funny commercials and get votes I guess. I'm not really sure, but it'll get me to scour the internet and look for more funny stuff out there.

Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

But if you are a gay Catholic priest, they will filet you alive....

Interesting, but not surprising.

Neo-Con Tastic said...

Tex - I'm down.

And yes DCS, it's ironic how liberal-teachers get off 'scott-free' while catholic priests are stoned to death. By no means do I support the priests for doing that but it's comparable.