Thursday, February 05, 2009


Typical liberal BS. The "do as I say, not as I do" mentality is clearly running rampant. I have never realized the amount of liberals out there who want to punish us with taxes and then punish us even more if we don't pay... unless of course, you are a nominee of the O and savior.

"A Senate committee today abruptly canceled a session to consider President Obama's nomination of Rep. Hilda Solis to be labor secretary in the wake of a report saying that her husband yesterday paid about $6,400 to settle tax liens against his business -- including liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years.

The report, 
by USA Today, came just before the Senate's Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee was slated to meet to consider Solis's nomination, which had been delayed by questions over her role on the board of the pro-labor organization American Rights at Work. A source said that committee members did not learn about the tax issue until today."

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