McCain has literally done an about-face with me (and I'm sure many others). After his choice of Palin, I now want to both take part and support his bid for the presidency. Originally I had the intentions of passively supporting the republican ticket but now, I'm volunteering my services. Well done McCain.

My favorite AP quote to date: "At 44, she is younger than two of McCain's seven children."
BTW, does anyone else find her to be very attractive?
1 comment:
Even more Hillary supporters will go for McCain now. Obama is no longer a near certainty. Heaven forbid something happens to McCain, but I believe Palin would rise to the occasion. She has the right attitude. Everyone knows Obama is NOT ready for POTUS, Palin is only for the VP. Look at Dan Quayle.
YEY SARAH PALIN! YEY John McCain! Great pick! The 1st woman for the GOP VP? SCORE!
She's conservative! SCORE! She's a Governor! SCORE! She's pro-drilling! She's a hunter! SCORE! She doesn't believe the MMGW Scam! SCORE! She's a hockey Mom and played basketball in school! SCORE! She's pro-life! And she respects women! SCORE! She fights corruption! SCORE! She's high-energy! SCORE! She's tough! SCORE! She's got 5 kids! SCORE! Her son is going to Iraq in the Armed Forces! SCORE! She's married to a Blue-collar professional! SCORE! She's smart! SCORE! She's young! SCORE!
And she's a Hotty to boot! SCORE! The Left is going to go nuts! SCORE!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never elect a woman
who's a conservative
she's just a gender traitor
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
just HOPE to pay more taxes
DREAM about high fuel prices
CHANGE PROGRESS to move backwards
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
OR a minority
if they are Right of center
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